- Product Designer
- User flow
- Low fidelity wireframes
- Prototypes
- User testing
- High fidelity mockups
Our goal was to address a number of pain points to reduce application drop off rates, and visually update the experience with new branding and bring components inline with the current design system. We created a flexible modular system that could be updated easily post-launch to continually improve user experience.
With the help of analytics, user testing, and customer feedback we understood the amount and density of information users needed to provide, along with a poorly timed phone number verification step, was pushing users to walk away. So, along a visual redesign we wanted to address these issues and deliver an all-round better user experience.
Visuals & Data
Redesigned for visual clarity, copy written to guide users, and streamlined input requirements at each stage to provide a more comfortable experience.
Platform Parity
Users could pause and continue from any point as needed. This flexibility needed consistent design across all platforms for a seamless transition.
Being a mission driven product we wanted to highlight all the benefits of their account and the environmental impact when spending with Zero.
Despite being a linear process, there were numerous states, side paths, information checks and processes to handle throughout.
Understanding and defining these states and processes, both for the the user interface and as well as the backend services, was crucial in creating the best experience. It allowed us to create prototypes to test, verify, and refine as insights were gathered and work more efficiently with engineering during development.